Swine flu, swine flu, swine flu. There, got that out of my system. For a while it seemed like I had the only blog left that hadn't said anything about it. Now that that's out in the open, here's some digital signage news for you:
CE Pro magazine takes a look at five ways to improve product merchandising, focusing on creating a hands-on experience, being simple and direct, highlighting product benefits, appealing to the retailer's core customer base, and 'listening to the locals' (your local sales staff, that is). Nice, solid and easy-to-understand advice.
NBC and Home Depot are testing TV commercials that change based on the weather, according to AdAge. As the article notes, "Since last Thursday, the two have run longer-than-usual commercial segments that tell viewers Home Depot is sponsoring a weekend weather forecast. The segments next move to the weather outlook, and, finally, suggest viewers consider home-improvement projects they can tackle (using goods purchased at Home Depot, of course)." Using relevant non-advertorial information like news, sports scores and weather info has long been a technique used in the digital out-of-home world, so I'm not at all surprised to see it being tested out in TV land now.
Flexpeaker has debuted a new flexible membrane speaker that's as thin as paper. They can be printed like regular posters, mounted on a wall, ceiling, floor, etc., and use a small amount of power when playing. Mediasoon has a few more details.
Three Minds @ Organic, one of my very favorite blogs, has an article on the 'untapped potential of digital out-of-home media' that focuses on Adcentricity's addition of a mobile marketing suite to their digital media network agglomeration (is that even a word?) services, as well as some commentary on whether or not dome digital signage opportunities -- like roadside electronic billboards -- are really a good idea.
Linda Seid Frembes wrote an article for Infocomm looking at the ROI story for digital signage once again. I'm quoted a few times, which is always lovely. While I'm sure my stance in the article will draw detractors (mostly those 'can't see the forest for the trees' folks, probably), I do get the impression that a lot of people are still dropping in signs -- even in non-retail spaces -- expecting them to magically print money or something. People need to know their objectives beforehand, and understand that if there's no good reason to deploy a digital sign, it isn't going to be a productive use of their time and money.
This isn't quite in the digital signage vein, but is just too weird to pass up: "Scientists are working on a device which works like a car navigation system to help elderly shoppers baffled by changing layouts in aisles. Newcastle University is already testing a gadget for dementia patients so they can be tracked if they get lost. The gadgets will be designed to be worn “unobtrusively”, he said." So the next time you see grandma walking around with an 18" DirectTV dish strapped onto her shoulders at the local supermarket, don't give it a secondt thought.
Tags: digital signage, digital signage news
Looking for more digital signage info? Check out WireSpring's Kiosk and Digital Signage blog for in-depth industry analysis and even more news about the digital signage industry. While you're there, feel free to read up on our digital signage software and services

CE Pro magazine takes a look at five ways to improve product merchandising, focusing on creating a hands-on experience, being simple and direct, highlighting product benefits, appealing to the retailer's core customer base, and 'listening to the locals' (your local sales staff, that is). Nice, solid and easy-to-understand advice.
NBC and Home Depot are testing TV commercials that change based on the weather, according to AdAge. As the article notes, "Since last Thursday, the two have run longer-than-usual commercial segments that tell viewers Home Depot is sponsoring a weekend weather forecast. The segments next move to the weather outlook, and, finally, suggest viewers consider home-improvement projects they can tackle (using goods purchased at Home Depot, of course)." Using relevant non-advertorial information like news, sports scores and weather info has long been a technique used in the digital out-of-home world, so I'm not at all surprised to see it being tested out in TV land now.
Flexpeaker has debuted a new flexible membrane speaker that's as thin as paper. They can be printed like regular posters, mounted on a wall, ceiling, floor, etc., and use a small amount of power when playing. Mediasoon has a few more details.
Three Minds @ Organic, one of my very favorite blogs, has an article on the 'untapped potential of digital out-of-home media' that focuses on Adcentricity's addition of a mobile marketing suite to their digital media network agglomeration (is that even a word?) services, as well as some commentary on whether or not dome digital signage opportunities -- like roadside electronic billboards -- are really a good idea.
Linda Seid Frembes wrote an article for Infocomm looking at the ROI story for digital signage once again. I'm quoted a few times, which is always lovely. While I'm sure my stance in the article will draw detractors (mostly those 'can't see the forest for the trees' folks, probably), I do get the impression that a lot of people are still dropping in signs -- even in non-retail spaces -- expecting them to magically print money or something. People need to know their objectives beforehand, and understand that if there's no good reason to deploy a digital sign, it isn't going to be a productive use of their time and money.
This isn't quite in the digital signage vein, but is just too weird to pass up: "Scientists are working on a device which works like a car navigation system to help elderly shoppers baffled by changing layouts in aisles. Newcastle University is already testing a gadget for dementia patients so they can be tracked if they get lost. The gadgets will be designed to be worn “unobtrusively”, he said." So the next time you see grandma walking around with an 18" DirectTV dish strapped onto her shoulders at the local supermarket, don't give it a secondt thought.
Tags: digital signage, digital signage news
Looking for more digital signage info? Check out WireSpring's Kiosk and Digital Signage blog for in-depth industry analysis and even more news about the digital signage industry. While you're there, feel free to read up on our digital signage software and services