Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Best practices for digital signage content

It looks like LevelVision and Met|Hodder have teamed up to produce some best practices for digital signage (with a specific emphasis on LevelVision's fairly unique 4-pane digital floor mat thingies. While the information on their site seems to be geared towards their screens in college book stores, most of their recommendations easily extend into other venues, and, more importantly, other forms of in-store digital signage. For example, have a look at their tips for crafting messages:

Simplicity: Digital signage is communications at a glance, so make sure the shopper can get your meaning quickly
  • Use language economically – fewer, shorter words
  • Use action-oriented verbs and active construction
  • Headline-like phrases work better than full sentences
  • Consider a single word as an attention-getter
  • Deliver one, focused message per screen
  • Avoid too many messages in one segment

Repetition: You only have 10 seconds, but you never know when in that short time a shopper will see your message
  • Within a single segment, repeat your key message at the beginning and end (that’s why brevity matters)
  • Consider using more than one segment to deliver the same message – although using a different design

Call to action: Never leave the shopper in doubt. Tell them what you want them to do – how and when, too
  • Strong verbs drive audiences to the take-action message
  • Give audiences information that allows them to act, a Web URL for example
  • If you have an in-store promotion, direct shoppers to the location of merchandise that’s part of the promotion (e.g., “at the checkout”)
  • Provide a timeframe for action (e.g., “sale ends July 31”) if that’s appropriate
  • Consider leaving call-to-action messages on screen throughout a message, or at least show it at the beginning and end
Those suggestions look a lot like some of the digital signage best practices articles that we put together over on WireSpring's digital signage blog a few months ago, specifically those about optimizing message text for the best recall, and creating a strong call to action that produces meaningful results. Of course, both we and Met|Hodder go further. Our whole series on content got to be pretty long, and covered things like visual design and composition:

The most positive thing I see here is that there's a good deal of overlap between our two sets of best practices. So while it would suck if they simply copied stuff out of our articles (which I seriously doubt is the case), it would be great if our two, parallel and independent resaerch efforts produced a similar set of results, since that would indicate that we're going down the right path (or that our methodologies are equally flawed, but that seems less likely ;)

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