Monday, April 11, 2005

i-vu digital signage network expands

In more ways than one... the hair salon digital signage network founded in the UK is both expanding its presence there and in the US as well as lengthing their content loop to 90 minutes.

According to,

"The loop has increased from 45 to 90 minutes, which i-vu says increases dwell-time and interaction “while generating further creative opportunities for advertisers”. Research by Target Group Index (TGI) in 2003 had found that typical i-vu customers spend 90 minutes on each salon visit, so the longer loop also means viewers are less likely to see content repeated.

The new content, squarely aimed at i-vu’s core audience of affluent females, includes food, art, nature, travel, fashion and music segments."

You can read their whole article on the subject here.

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