Well, I'm behind the 8-ball again (still?), but there really have been some great articles on the web lately that are worth the read if you're involved in any digital out-of-home or shopper marketing activities. Among them are:
Tags: digital signage, digital signage news
Looking for more digital signage info? Check out WireSpring's Kiosk and Digital Signage blog for in-depth industry analysis and even more news about the digital signage industry. While you're there, feel free to read up on our digital signage software and services
- Times Square 'Jumbli' Sign Offers 24/7 Interactivity - This must make the LocaModa crew happy. AdAge reports on the Jumbli phenomenon in their 3 Minute Ad Age clip for today.
Augmented reality locates the closest ATM - A new software application uses your mobile phone's GPS receiver and digital compass to give directions to nearby ATMs. While that's not particularly amazing, the app, called ING Wegweijzer can overlay directions onto real-time views of the surrounding area, which is pretty cool.
- AV industry guru Gary Kayye has launched a digital signage newsletter. The first edition just came out recently, with another slated for late February. If his coverage of our industry is anything like it is for the AV guys, it'll be well worth a follow.
- WireSpring was named one of the Top 10 digital signage vendors by none other than Adrian Cotterill of DailyDOOH. Were there 9 others on the list? Yeah, but we're obviously the best.
First, the signs saved us from zombies. Now, we averted a nasty raptor uprising. Something tells me that road-side sign hacks are going to start popping up all over the place now.
- More hype about ads that watch you back - score another PR win for Trumedia. You know what I'm watching out for now? FTC regulation.
- Freelance writer Blaise Nutter points out 5 tips for successful DOOH advertising which are pretty spot on, if not a bit elementary for those in the biz already. A good, short read for those new to the industry.
Tags: digital signage, digital signage news
Looking for more digital signage info? Check out WireSpring's Kiosk and Digital Signage blog for in-depth industry analysis and even more news about the digital signage industry. While you're there, feel free to read up on our digital signage software and services
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