Every now and then I have the chance -- nay the privilege -- to try and turn what ought to be a solicitation for free goods/services into a golden opportunity for those companies savvy enough to know a good thing when they see one. This is one of those times...
In short, POPAI, the organization that has spearheaded a large technical standards effort for the digital signage industry, has just put the finishing touches on the very first digital signage standard for media formats. The goal of the standard, which will be published shortly, is threefold. It will:

Part of the standard is a collection of 31 test content files that vendors will use to test their products. While a few companies, (most notable among them is Artisan Complete) have volunteered their services to produce these content files, there are still a number that need to be authored.
If you have the ability to author MP3, AVC, MPEG and/or WMV files, you have some royalty free and freely-distributable audio and video content laying around, and you want to gain some exposure inside the digital signage market, this could be a great opportunity. Authoring the files shouldn't take a great deal of time either. We'll supply the necessary graphics, overlay, and output options. You supply some medium- to high-bitrate images or video footage to give the files some visual appeal.
Here's the good part
You also supply your logo. Every file that you author can carry your logo, company name and URL. Since these files will be circulated to hundreds of companies in the industry, and available from POPAI's digital signage standards website for download by any interested parties, you'll gain massive exposure to those companies most active in our industry.

If so, leave me a comment below with your capabilities and contact information and I'll get in touch about the different files that we still need to have authored.
Technorati Tags: digital signage, popai
In short, POPAI, the organization that has spearheaded a large technical standards effort for the digital signage industry, has just put the finishing touches on the very first digital signage standard for media formats. The goal of the standard, which will be published shortly, is threefold. It will:
- Allow customers buying digital signage software and hardware to know for certain that it will play certain types of media,
- Allow the makers of said hardware and software to verify that their stuff will in fact play those media, and
- Allow creatives and agencies to confirm that the media they're producing is likely to play properly on most of the kit out there
Part of the standard is a collection of 31 test content files that vendors will use to test their products. While a few companies, (most notable among them is Artisan Complete) have volunteered their services to produce these content files, there are still a number that need to be authored.
If you have the ability to author MP3, AVC, MPEG and/or WMV files, you have some royalty free and freely-distributable audio and video content laying around, and you want to gain some exposure inside the digital signage market, this could be a great opportunity. Authoring the files shouldn't take a great deal of time either. We'll supply the necessary graphics, overlay, and output options. You supply some medium- to high-bitrate images or video footage to give the files some visual appeal.
Here's the good part
You also supply your logo. Every file that you author can carry your logo, company name and URL. Since these files will be circulated to hundreds of companies in the industry, and available from POPAI's digital signage standards website for download by any interested parties, you'll gain massive exposure to those companies most active in our industry.
If so, leave me a comment below with your capabilities and contact information and I'll get in touch about the different files that we still need to have authored.
Technorati Tags: digital signage, popai
Hey there Bill, long time rss-subscriber, first-time poster:)
I would be happy to help out.
Feel free to contact me at ragecg@gmail.com
PS, I am one of the former Senior Designers from Ronin:)
Mainsail Creative would be interested in helping you guys out. We are also a Scala partner.
Learn more about us at: Mainsail CreativeShoot us an email when you're ready.
Follow us on Twitter @Mainsail
We would be happy to share some of our content. We have a wealth of HD footage as well as AfterEffects motion graphics. From corporate communication to retail applications, we specialize in creating and managing engaging content.
Hi Bill,
X2O Media,winner of a 2009 POPAI Viewers Choice Award, is interested in participating.
Please feel free to contact me at vern@x2omedia.com
Vern Freedlander
X2O Media
Hi Bill,
Atads operates a digital screen network in Australia. We provide and install equipment into our venues and produce vibrant digital content for our advertisers. The network is driven via Scala.
We'd be happy to get involved in this project.
email davidf@atads.com.au
Hey, I’m the Senior Technical Advisor at Messagevision - a digital signage company in Australia. We provide complete digital signage solutions for our customers. This includes content creation (both images and copy), full motion spots, flash modules… basically for any platform out there. We’d certainly like to help out anyway we can. PM me for my details if you’re interested. Cheers.
matt.steedman @ messagevision.com .au
Hello Bill,
We would also be happy to help you out. We are a small and young Digital Signage software company in the Netherlands.
I can deliver you free to use content in many formats, from Standard definition to high definition formats. (PAL, NTSC, HD ready and Full HD.)
take a look at www.1080dots.com and www.syntraks.nl (dutch implementator, and content production company)
You can contact me at
Hello Bill,
We are Globaltronics, a Philippine based company that is proud of a full-time team of artists exclusively specializing in customized Digital Signage jobs.
It would be a privilege to contribute and be part of the program.
Globaltronics again.
We may be contacted at val@dbiphils.com .
We have some 'ready to play' clips specially thought for Digital Signage that I think fits perfectly in what you're looking for.
Feel free to contact me at alex.soler@oohvoxel.com
Alex Soler
We are an international creative company (in Los Angeles, London, San Francisco) specializing in strategy, branding, design and content creation for television networks as well as retail networks.
We've done strategy, creative and content creation for retail networks in Wal-Mart, Sam's Club, Costco and Best Buy among others.
We'd love to help out in whatever way we can and can work in any format.
Johnny Wow | Executive Producer
T A G Media | 800-969-2841 | 213-910-3057 c
johnny@t-a-g.com | www.t-a-g.com
Hi Bill,
Xarevision is a Digital Signage company in Portugal, and we would very much like to help.
We currenly participate in the management of POPAI here.
The promoters of this startup have been working in digital video and MPEG for more than 10 years, under one of MPEG's fathers, Prof. Pimenta Alves.
We have very good knowledge of MPEG1,2,4 and also 7 and 21, and MXF - audio,video, systems and DRM.
We can supply HD material and certify third-party streams for compliancy.
silvio.macedo [\a/t\] xarevision.pt
Hi Bill
If you need more I can help you out. My material can used both in landscape and portrait orientation.
Contact me via www.buyDScontent.com
/Brian Andersen
You're doing a good job of getting the word out there, Bill! A lot of companies haven't fully realized the value of getting into the mix with digital signage software.
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